On 14 September 2022

The Chief Executive Officer of WSACCO Col Joseph Freddy Onata appreciated the team for choosing Wazalendo as one of the SACCOs for their benchmarking visit in Uganda.
While making a presentation to the delegation, Onata said that wazalendo SACCO was established on 22 September 2005 to solve welfare problems that the forces face through mobilizing funds and enabling members to access credit at affordable and reasonable interest rates. “Improving welfare through increasing household income and wealth creation are the sure ways of improving members welfare and ultimately contributing to economic transformation”. Col Onata stressed.

He also noted that If the SACCOs are to be sustainable, they must focus on; membership growth, service inclusivity, quality, value creation, member profiling and analysis in terms of gender, age and borrowing capacity as well as incorporating environmental concerns in their strategic plans.
According to Col Onata, the success registered by WSACCO over the last 17 years Journey is attributable to; corporate governance, investment in technology, training, continuous member mobilization and hiring the right people with the right attitude and professionalism. He noted that coordination between the BOD, SUPCO management and other stakeholders is the foundation of success.

Andrea noted that TANESCO is a National SACCO for electricity company based in Tanzania with a membership of more than 6,000 and was established in 1968. He added that their coming to Uganda was visiting Ugandan SACCOs to learn and share experiences. “We have got a number of lessons to take home that will help us to successfully run our SACCO. I congratulate Wazalendo SACCO for providing a welfare platform to the Patriots-the members of the UPDF” he stressed.