Wazalendo Savings and Credit Cooperative Society ( WSACCO) has donated 304 sports gear to the 19 football teams of Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces (UPDF) which are participating in the 14th Edition of CDF’s CUP hosted by Mountain Division at Buhinga sports grounds in Fort portal City. The games are to run upto 05th May 22.
While handing over the sports gear on behalf of the Board of Directors and Management of WSACCO, the Head of Human Resource and Administration WSACCO, Lt Col Wesley Aine appreciated the games organizing committee and the Mountain Division leadership for making every effort to ensure that the tournament takes place.
Lt col Aine noted that WAZALENDO SACCO is part and parcel of the UPDF who constitute the bulk of WSACCO’s membership.
Aine called upon participants to embrace sports in order to enjoy the health benefits. He also told the participants that sports and games are very vital in promoting Discipline, keeping bodies fit, and social networking among others. “Remember that the way you perform here affects how you perform your duties in your units, battle fields, your families and in the communities where you live. emphasized Aine. Aine further informed the teams that they have a lot of similarities with the four pillars of SACCOs’ Philosophy where the SACCO is formed by the members, financed by members, member beneficiary and member controlled. He encouraged them to work hard in developing their talents and sustaining the startegic intent of the tournament.
Lt Col Aine pledged WSACCO’s commitment to continue supporting it’s members through such games as a means of enabling members to develop their talents and also an appreciation of members contribution to the steady growth of WSACCO into biggest in the country. On behalf of the Director Sports UPDF Col John Mark Ssemanda , Maj Henry Mwijuka applauded Wazalendo SACCO for always supporting it’s members and sports in particular which he said are good for the forces in terms of morale boosting and health.
He also thanked the UPDF leadership for allowing such games take place alongside the hectic job schedules of the forces while providing security to the citizens. He asked the teams to cooperate during the games and also utilize the support being given by their own SACCO. In attendance were the Mountain Division leadership and all the participants.